jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Enjoying days at home

I took this picture from The Times and link on January 20th 2009.
This are picture a teacher in school.
This is a picture of PLACE.
The people in the picture are teacher speaking students.

Charley, 15, her other daughter, is enjoying days at home studying biology from a textbook with her mother - at present they are looking at the effects of illegal drugs - and practising English composition by writing letters and essays.
In the afternoons Charley might walk the dog, work on a photography project, go swimming or take part in an organised visit to a museum or gallery with other home-educated children, organised by a local network of parents.
“My children were extremely unhappy at school and it was putting them off learning,” Mrs Mountney said. Mrs Mountney, who trained as a teacher and is the author of Learning Without School, believes that any parent can home educate their children. There is plenty of support through organisations such as Education Otherwise, which link families together to share best practice.

2 comentarios:

sergio dijo...

Your resum is like Agusti's example
the information is clear and the picture is good !!

byeee !!!

ByLaura dijo...

This comment of text does not fit the model.This is incomplete.
The resum of news not follow the Agusti's example.