lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009


The link
Find the activitie Theatre.
Read the instructions and play the game.
Copy the activitie and give it to teacher.
Now visit is crosword

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Enjoying days at home

I took this picture from The Times and link on January 20th 2009.
This are picture a teacher in school.
This is a picture of PLACE.
The people in the picture are teacher speaking students.

Charley, 15, her other daughter, is enjoying days at home studying biology from a textbook with her mother - at present they are looking at the effects of illegal drugs - and practising English composition by writing letters and essays.
In the afternoons Charley might walk the dog, work on a photography project, go swimming or take part in an organised visit to a museum or gallery with other home-educated children, organised by a local network of parents.
“My children were extremely unhappy at school and it was putting them off learning,” Mrs Mountney said. Mrs Mountney, who trained as a teacher and is the author of Learning Without School, believes that any parent can home educate their children. There is plenty of support through organisations such as Education Otherwise, which link families together to share best practice.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

Will Obama's Stimulus Package Work?

I took this picture from The Time and link on January 9th 2009
This is a picture of Congress in EEUU.
It's in Washington in USA.
The man in the picture is speaking at the Congress.
He is serious because he is speaking of the economy and unemployment.
As you can see Barack Obama is president-elect. He is studing in the univesity of California.
I do like it because the handsome man and interesting is a more intelligent. It is future president of USA.
Barack Obama speak in the congress that consensus speak $775 billion in stimulus spending over the next two years, the nation's economists — at least the ones who are listened to in Washington — expressed near unanimous support.The motley mix of tax cuts for families and business, aid to states, infrastructure spending, health-care spending and alternative-energy investment that constitutes Obama's stimulus plan is partly the product of campaing promises and political compromises.
The main argument for spending over taxes is that at a time when American consumers have turned suddenly frugal, they're more likely to save any extra cash they get than spend it. This may be the right thing for most people to do, but it won't stimulate the economy.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008


Visit AGUSTI'S PLACE blog. The URL is You can information the activities .I like it because there are videos and it is very clear because it has information.

This is a picture of the Alambrha at night.

It's in Granada.

I went there nine or ten years old with my family.

As you can see, there is like a dream make come true.

It like because is a wonder of the world is precious and you never get tired of view.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

I understand


your need to switch the roles around
and despise me, for the fact that we didn't last
And I will be your punching bag
if you'll stay in my past
I understand
to want to have a mature dailogue
is to much to ask
And I will be your one regret
if you'll stay in my past